Thursday 7 June 2012

Crochet and TV. The perfect combination?

Coincidentally both Sandra and I, in our 'spare time', have been doing a spot of crochet. I've eventually finished off a granny square blanket for a friends new baby and Sandra is working on a blanket for herself!

For me, I find it to be a very relaxing pastime when I need to take a break from the sewing machine. Plus (and this is a very big plus!) you can do it in front of the TV. I'm currently trying to finish Mad Men so I can start on my new box set of Breaking Bad. I adored the original Killing series but found the subtitles frustrating - you need to pay attention and look at the screen the entire time so crafting is a no go! Same with The Wire, I had to pay total attention or I got a bit lost...

What's the ultimate series to craft in front of?! My vote goes for Mad Men, you can indulge in a bit of fantasy dressing up at the same time and lets face it, we all heart Don Draper right?


  1. Oh I couldn't possibly crochet in front of Don Draper - there's too much to look at! I vote for something like the BBC series of Pride & Prejudice or Downton Abbey, either something I've seen so many times I can almost listen to it like an audio book, or something so silly and frivolous one doesn't really need to look at the screen except to see the lovely dresses :)

    1. Oh how could I forget Downton! Or a good old 80s classic movie?
